Call for Abstract

7th Global Congress on Gastroenterology & Endoscopy, will be organized around the theme “Discovering Grey Zones in Gastroenterology & Endoscopy”

Endoscopy 2016 is comprised of 18 tracks and 98 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Endoscopy 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

  • Track 3-1Real-time elastography (RTE) applications in liver pathology
  • Track 3-2Virtual ambulatory care. Computer simulation applications
  • Track 3-3Computer-assisted diagnosis in gastroenterology

GI surgery includes comprehensive surgical methods used for the treatment of cancers and benign conditions of the esophagus, liver, spleen, bile ducts, pancreas, stomach and gallbladder. Most of the surgical techniques are performed laparoscopically with the least  invasive techniques reducing the post treatment risks.

  • Track 4-1GI endoscopy and video capsule endoscopy
  • Track 4-2Gallbladder & Hernias
  • Track 4-3GI surgery for severe obesity- Bariatric surgery and its complications
  • Track 4-4Screening and therapeutic colonoscopy
  • Track 4-5Colorectal cancer surgery
  • Track 6-1GI surgery for severe obesity and its Complications
  • Track 6-2Bariatric surgery and its complications
  • Track 6-3Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Track 6-4Gastrointestinal microbiota and its role in health and disease
  • Track 6-5Cancer treatment
  • Track 8-1Short bowel syndrome and intestinal failure
  • Track 8-2Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Track 8-3Gastroesophageal reflux disease and Barrett
  • Track 8-4Hypospadias and urolithiasis
  • Track 8-5Acid Related Diseases
  • Track 9-1GI endoscopy and video capsule endoscopy
  • Track 9-2Sphincter sparing surgery for colorectal cancer
  • Track 9-3Screening and therapeutic colonoscopy
  • Track 9-4Minimally invasive surgery - Flexible ureterorenoscopy
  • Track 9-5Robotic and advanced laparoscopic urologic surgery
  • Track 9-6Ureteropyeloscopy and laser lithotripsy
  • Track 9-7Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy (PCNL)
  • Track 9-8Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (ESWL)
  • Track 9-9Complex gastrointestinal surgery and its risk factors
  • Track 10-1Hepatitis C-state of the art treatment and emerging drugs
  • Track 10-2Hepatitis B-natural history and treatment
  • Track 10-3Dietary treatment of gastrointestinal diseases
  • Track 10-4Prebiotics, probiotics, and dietary fiber in gastrointestinal disease
  • Track 10-5Helicobacter Pylori Treatment
  • Track 11-1Inflammatory bowel disease includes crohn
  • Track 11-2Diverticular disease of the colon (diverticulitis)
  • Track 11-3Gastroesophageal reflux disease and Barrett
  • Track 11-4Alcoholic liver disease and fatty liver disease
  • Track 11-5Hepatocellular carcinoma
  • Track 11-6Liver transplantation

Endoscopy is a non-sugrical procedure used to diagnosis/examine the internal organs of the body. It helps us to examine the hallow organ or cavity of the body. We use many other medical imaging devices for the detection, but unlike them, endoscopes are the one which are being inserted into the body for the imaging of interior organs. Endoscopy is the best means of early detection for several forms of cancer.

  • Track 12-1Endoscopic ultrasound
  • Track 12-2Upper endoscopy
  • Track 12-3Endoscopic mucosal resection
  • Track 12-4Endoscopic submucosal dissection
  • Track 12-5Endoscopic fistula closure
  • Track 12-6Cholangioscopy
  • Track 12-7Radiofrequency ablation
  • Track 12-8Endoscopy Advances

Endoscopy procedures have more application in disease diagnosis but also have a role in treating some of the abnormalities. These can be helpful in some processes like colonoscopy or laparoscopy where with the help of a tool the particular symptom can be eradicated. This can also be useful to help doctors for laser therapies or drug injection into the interior organs.

  • Track 13-1Polyps removal
  • Track 13-2Laser induced treatment
  • Track 13-3Drug injection to vital organs

Endoscopy is mainly used to diagnose the interior parts/digestive tract of the body. Docotors use different types of endoscopes to examine a specific part of the body to diagnose a disease or find the cause of a person’s symptoms, such as abnormal functioning of digestive system or tumor. Depending on the area of visualization, specific endoscopic technique will be implemented for the diagnosis. Experts will prescribe for a specific endoscopic diagnosis for better results. 

  • Track 14-1Digestive diseases
  • Track 14-2Colorectal abnormalities
  • Track 14-3Respiratory and Nasal Endoscopy
  • Track 14-4Pregnancy Endoscopic Ultrasound
  • Track 14-5Tumor detection

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy supports for the examination, therapy or surgery of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal tract includes the digestive structures ranging from the mouth to anus, and does not include the accessory glandular organs such as liver, billary tract, panceras. This procedure is performed by an expert using an endoscope-a flexible fiberoptic tube with a tiny TV camera on the other end. Camera is connected to an eyepiece or a video screen that displays the images on a color TV. The endoscope allows both diagnosis as well as treatment of gastrointestinal (GI) disease. It can be performed in inpatient or outpatients settings as per the convenience. These imaging tests help in visualizing ulcers or other gastric problems.

  • Track 15-1Upper GI endoscopy
  • Track 15-2Push enteroscopy
  • Track 15-3Double balloon endoscopy
  • Track 15-4GI imaging
  • Track 15-5Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

Colonoscopy is performed commonly to examine the large intestine diseases. Skilled endoscopist can also analyze part of the small intestine and the GI tract which is often done under sedation to assure maximal patient satisfaction. In this endoscopist uses a flexible tube inserted into the body connected to a monitor for viewing the results. Colonoscopy can detect and sometimcopyes treat polyps, colorectal bleeding, fissures, strictures, fistulas, foreign bodies, Crohn's Disease, and colorectal cancer.

  • Track 17-1Colonoscopy treatment diseases
  • Track 17-2Colonoscopy recommendation
  • Track 17-3Colonoscopy preparation
  • Track 17-4Colonoscopy procedure
  • Track 17-5Colonoscopy complications
  • Track 17-6Colonoscopy aftercare

All endoscopic procedures are performed by well trained doctors specialized in specific stream or having a great level of experience. They undergo various Continuing Education sessions to complete the procedure courses and hence need a keen learning perspective before working on a patient. These are majorly gastroenterologists or gastrointestinal surgeons who perform the endoscopy procedures for the examination.

  • Track 18-1Arthroscopy
  • Track 18-2Neuroendoscopy
  • Track 18-3Bronchoscopy & Thoracoscopy
  • Track 18-4Esophagoscopy & Laryngoscopy
  • Track 18-5Colorectal surgeries
  • Track 18-6Laparoscopic surgeries