
Enliven: Surgery and Transplantation provides wide scope for the authors, readers in all possible fields. Journal emboldens authors with its rigid peer review process and journal follows stringent editorial policies to avoid all publishing discrepancies. Enliven: Surgery and Transplantation is an Open access, peer reviewed international journal and it aims to publish different types of articles on emerging developments and supports current and upcoming research in journal fields. It also aims to follow flawless review process with high quality articles. This journal aims to become one of the leading journals which aid scientific community in knowledge dissemination. This journal provides a huge platform for editors, reviewers, authors, and readers to have an uninterrupted scientific communication. In order to become the leading journal, Enliven: Surgery and Transplantation provide wide scope which allows and accepts articles from multiple disciplines and guides the articles according to the peer review process. Enliven: Surgery and Transplantation looks forward for the diverse submissions to disseminate the information about current discoveries and developments in the journal field. Journal has unique editorial board to take care of publishing activities in organized way. Journal policies are coined to allow flexible communications among different groups of journal members and to allow the journal to follow the strict rules.

The ESOI/ESMO Course 2018 is the first joint course between the European Society of Oncologic Imaging and European Society of Medical Oncology. The course will address the use of imaging in local and systemic treatment in the management of colorectal and gastrointestinal stromal tumours. Lectures given by a multidisciplinary faculty of experts will be alternated by workshops simulating tumour boards with case based discussions by the multidisciplinary teachers. The course will target a forum of medical specialists working in the field of cancer management (medical oncologists, radiologists, radiation oncologists as well as surgical oncologists) who would like to learn more about state of the art cancer imaging.